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Fall Gardening Tips

Fall Gardening Tips

Fall is an especially important time for your gardens. It is a great time to make changes and take a few steps that will ensure your garden looks great next spring. Throughout September and October, the soil’s temperature is still warm enough that transplanted and...

Homemade Remedies

Homemade Remedies

Natural homemade organic remedies are inexpensive, easy to make and non-toxic. They will not harm kids, pets, beneficial insects, or wildlife. The best part is you can probably find the ingredients in your own kitchen. APHIDS To get rid of Aphids, mix 15ml (1 Tbsp) of...

Tomato Tips

Tomato Tips

There is nothing more enjoyable than feasting on homegrown garden tomatoes. Whether beefsteak, cherry, or heirloom, they are all such a treat. They can be started in March by seed indoors, then transplanted late May to early June, weather dependent. WHERE, WHEN &...

Lasagna Gardening

Lasagna Gardening

Lasagna gardening or sheet composting is an organic gardening method that results in fluffy, rich soil, with very little work. This is a perfect project for fall time. You are going to build a garden by layering nitrogen and carbon sources, like creating lasagna. It’s...

Organic Fertilizing

Organic Fertilizing

We carry Evolve Organic Fertilizers that have been carefully formulated to meet your specific growing needs, A simple and easy way to grow your plants organically. Whether you are growing flowers, shrubs, trees or vegetables, there is a fertilizer for everything.


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