Trees For Small Spaces
January 11, 2023
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berries | fall color | flowers | fruit | small spaces | trees

For most people who live in the city space is an issue. By the time you add a deck, patio and shed there is not a lot of room left for trees. A yard without trees though has no shade and no privacy. For this reason, trees that are narrow, or mature with a small crown are perfect for a smaller city yard.


Amur Maple – One of the hardiest maples matures at 20 high with a spread of 20 feet wide. It is known for brilliant red, and orange fall colors.

Ohio Buckeye – Palm shaped dark green leaves turn a copper bronze in the fall. It has a rounded growth shape and matures about a 35’ high and wide.

Showy Mountain Ash – With a dense oval form, showy white flowers, and brilliant fall color this will add beauty to any small yard. Matures at 20′ high and 15′ wide will clusters of red berries in the fall.

Black Hawk Mountain Ash – A larger mountain ash maturing at 30′ high and 20′ wide. It has white flowers followed by orange berries, and a brilliant fall color.

Pyramidal Mountain Ash – A narrow, columnar accent tree with clusters of white flowers in spring followed by red berries into winter; attractive compound leaves turn red in fall. Matures at 25’ high and 10 ’wide.

Prairie Spire Green Ash – A tight narrow but tall tree is a low maintenance fast growing screen for a small yard. It will grow 25′ wide and 50′ high at maturity. It is a seedless variety of the green as that is known for its brilliant gold fall color.

Parkland Pillar White Birch – An attractive variety, grows in a dense columnar form, maturing at 30’ high and 6’ wide. It is tightly branched with deep green foliage that turns golden in the fall. Pure white bark, for added winter interest.


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January 11, 2023
Posted by Online Admin
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berries | fall color | flowers | fruit | small spaces | trees